Legal Notice

Domain owner:

Enrica Mazza-Teubner
Telemannstr. 5
D 60323 Frankfurt/Main
Ph. +49-170-734 78 87
Jonas Teubner
Klosbachstrasse 72
CH 8032 Zurich
Ph. +41-78-700 04 14


1. Website Contents
Authors do not take any responsibility for informations provided on this website, neither in terms of topicality, accuracy, comprehensiveness nor quality. No claims can be made against the authors concerning material or conceptual damage caused by use or non-use of the informations provided, or by the use or non-use of missing, incorrect or incomplete informations.
Authors explicitly reserve the right to change, amend, or delete parts or the whole of this website without prior notice; or to temporarily or permanently close down the site.
2. References and Links
Despite thorough control we do not assume any responsibility for the contents of external links. The content of such third-party sites is the responsibility of the respective owners/providers.
3. Intellectual Property and Copyright
Authors strive to respect in all publications the intellectual property and copyrights of the pictures, graphics, audio and video elements, and texts used throughout this website. All trade- and brand marks possibly protected by third parties which are mentioned within this website are unconditionally subject to the respective regulations and ownership rights of their registered owners. Just for the fact that they are mentioned, it cannot be deducted that trade marks aren't protected by third party rights.
No Cease-and-Desist Without Prior Contact!
If the contents or design of elements within this website infringe third party rights or lawful regulations, please notify us without debit note. We guarantee to remove correctly objected sections immediately without you having to involve legal assistance. We will reject any claims to costs accumulated prior to getting into touch with us.
Copyright for published elements made by the authors themselves remains with the authors. Publication or use of these objects in other electronic or print media without explicit permission of the authors is prohibited.
4. Privacy
As the user of this website enters personal or business data (email addresses, names, addresses) into the site he discloses these data on an entirely voluntary base.
The use of this website and payment of the services offered therein is - within technical feasibility and reason - permitted without disclosure of such data, or in anonymized fashion, or using an alias name. Use or abuse of our contact details such as post addresses, telephone and fax numbers, or email addresses mentioned in our disclaimer or contact pages by third parties for sending unrequested information is not permitted. We explicitly reserve the right to take legal measures against senders of such spam mails.
For further information, please refer to section „Data Protection Declaration“ below.
5. Legal Effectiveness
This disclaimer is to be understood as part of the online content which linked to this page. If certain parts or wordings of this text are invalid or don't comply with the current legal situation, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections.

Data Protection Declaration

1. General
This data protection declaration shall inform users of this website about ways, extent and purpose of personal data collection and processing through us (who we are: see box above).
We take the protection of your data seriously and treat your personal data confidentially and according to the law. However, new technologies and the continuous development of this website may cause modifications of this declaration, so we advise you to review this declaration periodically.
Definitions of the used terms (such as „personal data“ or „processing“) can be found in article 4 of the GDPR.
2. Access Data
We, the website host or provider, respectively, collect data on the grounds of our legitimate interest (see article 6 paragraph 1 letter f of the GDPR) about access to our website and log them as „server logfiles“ on the server of the website. The following data are logged:
  • Website or -page visited
  • Date and time of the access
  • Quantity of data sent in bytes
  • Source or link which brought you to our site
  • Browser used
  • Operating system used
  • IP-Address used
Server logfiles will be saved for a maximum of 7 days and deleted thereafter. Data are stored for safety reasons, e.g. to clear up abuse cases. If data have to be stored as evidence, their deletion will be postponed until the case is resolved.
3. Audience Measurement & Cookies
This website uses cookies for anonymized audience measurement, which are transmitted by our server or third party servers to the browser of the user. Cookies are small files that will be saved to your device. Your browser will access these files. Cookies increase user-friendliness and safety of this website.
If you prefer not to have audience measurement cookies to be saved to your device you may object to the use of these files here: Commonly used browsers allow blocking of cookies. However, we cannot guarantee full functionality of this website if you change your settings accordingly.
4. Collection and Processing of Personal Data
As website administrators we collect, use and forward your personal data only if within lawful limits or after obtaining your consent.
Personal data comprise any information which serves to identify you or track you - such as your name, email address or telephone number.
You may visit this website without providing personal data. To improve our online services we do save your anonymized access data on this site. These access data include e.g. the requested file or the name of your internet service provider. Anonymization prevents any conclusions on your person.
We do process personal data such as name, surname, IP address, email address, residence, ZIP code, and entered content from the contact form.
We do process personal data only after obtaining express permission of the affected user and according to valid privacy policies.
Processing of personal data will be executed on the grounds of our legitimate interest to fulfil our contractual services and to optimize our online services.
5. Handling of Contact Data
If you get into touch with us via the contact form, your information will be sent as an email and saved with us, so we can access them for processing and answering your request. Your personal information will not be shared with a third party without your consent.
6. Handling of Comments and Contributions
Our website does not offer any comment functions. If you wish to contribute to our online guestbook, you may send your text to us via email. We will ask you ahead of publishing, if and how you want your name and residence to appear in the guestbook. We are doing so on the grounds of our legitimate interest in the sense of article 6 paragraph 1 letter f of the GDPR to guarantee or own safety as website administrators: because if any published text on our website fails to comply with the law, we can be held responsible, and thus we need to know the identity of the author.
7. Google Analytics
We do not currently use Google Analytics on our website.
8. Use of „Google Fonts“ and „Google Maps“
We embed „Google Fonts“ and „Google Maps“ of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Data processed may include IP addresses and localization of the user, but won’t be collected without prior consent (usually given by configurating their device). These are the links to Google’s privacy policy and their Opt-Out.
9. Link to Facebook
In order to avoid data transferral to Facebook while visiting our website, we decided not to make use of the Facebook social plugin. The blue Facebook icon you can find on our site is a simple link to our Facebook site. When you click on it, you will be directed to this Facebook site and only then Facebook may collect data from you, among others your IP address and the website you came from (which is this website here). We have no way to avoid or influence this.
Which data Facebook collects, uses and processes to which purpose, and the rights and configuration options you have to protect your privacy, will be explained on Facebook’s privacy policy pages here.
10. User Rights
As user of this webpage you are entitled to information about which personal data have been stored, free of charge. You are also entitled to rectification of erroneous data, and restriction or deletion of your personal data. If applicable you can also claim your right to data portability. If you assume that your data ahve been processed illicitly you may file a complaint with the competent authority.
11. Data Deletion
Unless your request collides with a legal requirement to store data (e.g. data retention laws) you are entitled to deletion of your data. Stored data will be deleted if their purpose is fulfilled and no legal retention obligations apply. If for legal reasons data deletion cannot be executed, their processing will be restricted. In this case, affected data will be blocked for further processing.
12. Right of Opposition
Users of this website can make use of their right of opposition and oppose to processing of their personal data at any time.
If you request rectification, blocking, deletion of or information about the personal data related to your person, or if you have any questions regarding colection, processing or use of your personal data, or if you wish to revoke previously given consent, please contact us via the following email address: